Power electronics in practice
Students for electronics at Orbitalum Tools
Gain insights into the development practice of a company - this is what master students of the power electronics lecture at the HTWG University of Applied Sciences Konstanz - Technology, Economics and Design are supposed to do in the upcoming winter semester 2023/24. For this purpose, the HTWG Konstanz and Orbitalum Tools GmbH have launched the joint project "Power Electronics in Practice". The kick-off event of the project took place on Monday, October 23, at Orbitalum Tools GmbH in Singen. About 20 students visited the company together with the leading professor Mr. Rebholz and got insights into the world of orbital welding.
The kick-off event at Orbitalum Tools GmbH started with an initial round of getting to know each other, after which the students were taught the basics of welding technology. The head of the development department at Orbitalum Tools, Mr. Oliver Oestrich, together with his team showed the company's development laboratory. Likewise, the product portfolio - consisting of machines for precise cutting and beveling of tubes as well as for orbital welding - was presented and live demonstrations were performed. A subsequent tour of the company was followed by a relaxed evening in the afternoon, during which the students had the opportunity to exchange ideas with Orbitalum employees.
The project "Power Electronics in Practice" promotes the cooperation between the University of Applied Sciences Constance and Orbitalum Tools GmbH and enables the students to get to know the working world of a company at first hand. The project joins a number of initiatives that have been initiated since 2022 as part of the transfer efforts between HTWG and the region under the heading "Reallabor Singen". "We are pleased to be able to give students insights into our development practice and get them excited about our products and application areas. This gives the students valuable experience from the industrial environment," says Oliver Oestrich from Orbitalum Tools. The project not only promises exciting practical insights into an industrial company. "It also enables us to promote exchange and cooperation between the university and leading companies in the region," adds Prof. Rebholz.