New orbital welding systems for HTWG Konstanz

Handover of orbital welding systems
In spring, Orbitalum Tools presented two new orbital welding machines with associated welding heads to the HTWG Konstanz University of Applied Sciences, thereby strengthening its support for the development of future talent. The free orbital welding machines were handed over by Andreas Lier, Business Unit Manager at Orbitalum, and Oliver Oestrich, Head of the Development Department at Orbitalum. This handover represents a further milestone in the good cooperation between the industry and the university.
The new orbital welding systems will be used in the welding laboratory at the HTWG Konstanz. It is planned to set up a new, fully equipped workstation for orbital welding. The orbital welding machines include a stationary and mobile orbital welding power source, as well as a closed and open orbital welding head. Students now have the opportunity to gain practical experience and get to know the latest technologies in the field of orbital welding.
It is not only students who are taught in the welding laboratory. As a recognized DVS welding training facility, welders from regional companies are also trained at the university. Training courses are offered in the welding laboratory and welding certificates are issued.